Shining the light on Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) roles and education

Hybrid event in Åland 7.5.2024 9:00


Tuesday May 7th ,2024 at 9.a.m- 15.45 p.m.

Address: Neptunigatan 17, the auditorium, 1st floor, Campus North, Åland University of Applied Sciences


Chair: Ragnhild Hellesø, professor, University of Oslo, Norway


Topic 1: Awareness and enhancement of the APN roles in health care (09.00-12.00)

9-9:10 Welcome by ÅUAS, Bettina Brantberg-Ahlfors, Vice rector, Åland University of Applied Sciences

9:10-9:30 APN-EDU Nordic and Baltic network in advancing Advanced Practice Nursing Education by Virpi Sulosaari, PhD, RN, principal lecturer, chair of the APN- EDU Nordic-Baltic network group, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland

09:30-09:50 Advanced Practice Nursing as a person-tailored practice in Danish primary health care. A realist evaluation by Susanne Søndergaard, RH, PhD, Aarhus University, Denmark

09:50-10:10 Discussion

10:10-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-10:50 Advances Geriatric Nursing In primary health Care by Erika Boman, RNT, PhD, Affilierad researcher, Åland University of Applied Sciences, Associate professor, Umeå University


10:50-11:20 Collaboration between education and organisation in implementing APN in health care: examples from a Norwegian multiple-case study by Konstantinos Antypas, RN, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF, Norway

11.20-11.40 Educating for Future: Flexible learning design by Elisabeth Østensen, RN, PhD, Associate professor at Lovisenberg Diaconal University College, Norway

11:40-12.00 Discussion and conclusions

12:00-13:00 Lunch



Topic 2: Perspectives on “Why to invest on APN?” (13.00- 14.25)

13-13.20 Career development – need for clinical career pathways by Anna Suutarla, Senior Advisor, Finnish Nurses Association

13.25-13.40 Stories of APNs practices: Home care and nursing homes by Anne Blankholm, MsN/APN, RN, Aarhus Municipality, Aarhus, Denmark and Katrine Munk Vernersen, MsN/APN, RN, Aarhus Municipality, Aarhus, Denmark

13.45-13.50 Patients perspective

13.50-14.00 Discussion

14.00- 14.20 Coffee break



Roundtable discussion (14.20-15.20)

Roundtable discussion lead by

Ragnhild Hellesø, professor, University of Oslo, Norway

Ulf Wikström, Change Agent, Åland University of Applied Sciences

14.20-14.35 Different perspectives on APN, Input to the roundtable discussion:

The Government’s perspective by Leena Kalle, Advisor, Chief Nursing Officer of Estonia, Health System Development Department, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia

Elizabeth Capezuti, PhD, RN, FAAN, W.R. Hearst Foundation Chair in Gerontology, Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, Hunter College of CUNY, USA

Physician perspective by Matias Lahti, Specialist Doctor in Health Care, Finland.

Daniela Lehwaldt, PhD, Chair ICN APN/NP network, associate professor School of Nursing, Dublin City University, Ireland

Educators’ perspective, by Dr. Helga Jónsdóttir, Professor at the University of Iceland.


14.20-15.20 Roundtable participants

Arsim Zekaj, Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Government of Åland

Erika Boman, Affiliated researcher: Åland University of Applied Sciences & Umeå University

Heidi Viktorsson, Vårdkoordinator, Kommunförbundet Oasen / Care Coordinator, Municipal association, Oasen

Ida-Mari Elfving-Gustafsson, Specialsakkunnig, social- och miljöavdelningen, Ålands Landskapsregering / Senior Adviser, Department of Social Affairs, Health and Environment, Government of Åland

Pia Hollsten-Friman, Vårdchef, Ålands Hälso- och sjukvård (ÅHS) / Head of Care, Public healthcare services on Åland

Vanessa Åkerman, Enhetschef, Äldreomsorgen, Mariehamns Stad / Head of unit, Senior care, City of Mariehamn

