Two nurses standing in clinical situation.


As healthcare continues to evolve rapidly due to technological advancements, emerging health challenges and shifts in patient care models, the demand for highly skilled nursing professionals has never been greater. Specifically, there has been a surge in demand for Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) equipped to navigate these complexities. APNs are pivotal in delivering high-quality care, leading teams and innovating healthcare practices. This underscores the necessity for education that aligns with the current healthcare landscape and is also visionary, anticipating the needs and challenges of the future.

The healthcare sector is facing a severe and worsening staff shortage which threatens to undermine care delivery and patient outcomes. This crisis emphasises the urgent need for innovative solutions to attract and retain healthcare professionals. APNs represent a crucial part of this solution, offering a pathway for career advancement that enhances the attractiveness of the nursing profession. Their advanced skills and leadership capabilities position them to make substantial contributions to healthcare delivery, addressing both current challenges and future demands.

This context sets a high bar for APN educators preparing the next generation of nurses. Educators must develop and deliver curricula that are both comprehensive and adaptive, incorporating cutting-edge knowledge and practices. Moreover, they are responsible for implementing teaching methodologies that effectively engage students, fostering an environment of critical thinking and innovation. Equally important is the ability to assess and evaluate student competencies in a manner that reflects the dynamic requirements of the healthcare field.

Responding to these needs, “Navigating the Future: Advanced Practice Nursing Educational Tools for Success” is an indispensable resource for APN educators. This toolkit, a product of collaborative efforts within the APN-EDU network, is specifically designed to address the multifaceted nature of APN education. It covers foundational concepts and roles within the field, advanced curriculum development, teaching strategies and assessment methods. Moreover, the toolkit’s creation by members of the APN-EDU network as part of a network initiative highlights their collective expertise and dedication to advancing APN education. The toolkit also looks to the future, offering strategies for ensuring the sustainability and relevance of APN education in the face of ongoing healthcare transformations, thus positioning it as a critical solution to the challenges of the sector.

On behalf of the APN-EDU network
Reet Urban, Margit Lenk-Adusoo and Virpi Sulosaari

Find the Toolkit material below

You can download the full APN Toolkit (pdf) from this page. We have also divided the Toolkit material into its own Chapter pages. You can download each Toolkit Chapter also as a separate pdf file.

Download the APN Edu Toolkit (pdf)